Faculty Emeriti Association
The Association brings together the institution's Emeriti to maintain collegial, scholarly, and social relations among the ODU community, and to further the welfare of the University.
Emeritus/Emerita Appointments
- The title "emeritus/emerita" shall be granted only by the Board of Visitors.
- The title of emeritus/emerita is granted in recognition of dedicated and meritorious service at Old Dominion University and entitles its holders to commensurate rights and privileges.
- All persons designated Emeriti by the Old Dominion University Board of Visitors shall be members of the Association.
Faculty Emeriti Association Book Discussion Calendar
Updated information forthcoming, for more information on the current FEA Book Discussion calendar, contact Larry Wilson at wilson@cs.abadiadetortoreos.com
FEA Book Club Schedule
Meetings from 9:30 to 11 AM, Second Tuesday each month
Date | Book | Location |
1/10/2023 |
The Day We Found the Universe by Marcia Bartusiak - Reviewed by Bob Ake |
Zoom |
We attend a play instead of meeting in February. |
3/14/2023 |
This Changes Everything: Capitalism Versus Climate by Naomi Klein - Reviewed by William Judge |
Zoom |
4/11/2023 |
The Netanyahus: An Account of a Minor and Ultimately Even Negligible Episode in the History of a Very Famous Family by Joshua Cohen - Reviewed by Ann Schwarz-Miller |
5/9/2023 |
Four Lost Cities by Annalee Newitz - Reviewed by Mike Overstreet |
Zoom |
6/13/2023 |
A Constellation of Vital Phenomena: A Novel by Anthony Marra - Reviewed by Phil Gillette |
Zoom |
7/11/2023 |
Zoom |
8/8/2023 |
The Coroner's Lunch by Colin Cotterill - Reviewed by Janet Bing |
Zoom |
The name of this organization shall be the Old Dominion University Faculty Emeriti Association.
The purpose of the Association is to bring together the institution's Emeriti to maintain collegial, scholarly, and social relations among the Old Dominion University community, and to further the welfare of the University.
All persons designated Emeriti by the Old Dominion University Board of Visitors shall be members of the Association. Action by the Board of Visitors shall be considered final.
The Association may invite guests to participate in meetings as non- voting attendees. Individual members of the Association may invite other members of the university community to participate in meetings as non-voting guests.
Officers and the Executive Committee
Officers shall be President, Vice President (who should be the next President), Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Representative to the Faculty Senate (who shall be a Faculty Emeriti), and two Directors.
Officers are elected by the Association, and they constitute the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee will meet at least once, as soon after the last spring meeting as possible, to plan the following year.
The Executive Committee will discuss new programming ideas, desired changes, and other issues as needed.
The Executive Committee shall have general supervision of affairs of the Association between meetings and make recommendations to the Association.
The Executive Committee shall be subject to the orders of the Association and none of its acts shall conflict with actions taken by the Association.
Terms of Office
Officers shall serve for a term of two years or until their successors are elected. Their terms of office shall begin after the last meeting of academic year in which they are elected.
No member shall hold more than one office at a time. No officer should serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
Duties of Officers
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and shall prepare and distribute to the membership the agenda of coming meetings.
The Vice President shall serve as Program Chair. This officer is responsible for reserving rooms (which must be done in May or early June) as well as planning and arranging programs for meetings and social events. This includes inviting and scheduling speakers. The Vice President shall also perform such other Association duties as the President may designate.
The Recording Secretary shall keep minutes of each meeting and supply the President with a copy before the agenda is developed for the next meeting. The minutes shall be distributed to the membership for approval at the next scheduled meeting.
The Corresponding Secretary shall respond to inquiries made to the Association, send a copy of approved Association minutes to Old Dominion Library Archives, and convey messages of condolence to members and their families. At the direction of the President, the Corresponding Secretary shall convey information and messages to members, Old Dominion University Administration, and others who have business with the Association.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for collecting and accounting for all money received and expenditures made on behalf of the Association.
The Representative to the Faculty Senate shall attend the University Senate meetings to represent the Faculty Emeriti Association and to stay abreast of what is happening at Old Dominion University. The Representative shall solicit Emeriti views about University issues and report them to the Senate. In turn, at each Association meeting, the Representative s h a l l report on issues discussed in the Senate that may interest or concern the Emeriti.
The two Directors shall serve on the Executive Committee and shall, as individuals, be willing to give advice or opinions to the President and serve on special committees as needed.
Except for the Senate Representative and the Directors, the officers shall keep a folder with documents (letters, agendas, minutes, program lists, reports to the membership, etc.) from their years in office and any suggestions they might have for the individuals who replace them. Presidents shall also enclose in their folders a brief summary of the Association's activities during their term of office with any recommendations for the future of the Association. These folders will be passed on to the new set of officers at the final meeting of the year.
At the first regular fall meeting of the Association in odd years, the President will solicit individuals willing to serve on a three member Nominating Committee and will prepare a list of those willing to serve.
At the last fall meeting of the Association, members will elect the nominating committee from the list of individuals and others nominated from the floor. In the makeup of the Nominating Committee, and in their nominations, diversity shall be kept in mind.
The Nominating Committee shall present a slate of officers in time for inclusion with the agenda distributed for the first Spring meeting. Before the election at this meeting, the President shall solicit additional nominations. A secret ballot for any office shall be held at the request of any member present.
In the event that an office, except that of President or Vice President, becomes vacant before the next regular election, the office shall be filled by the Executive Committee. If the office of President becomes vacant, the Vice President shall become President. If the office of Vice President becomes vacant, the President shall call a meeting of the Nominating Committee to nominate one or more candidates for an election at the next regularly scheduled meeting. The Executive Committee at its discretion may ask some member to fill the post of Vice President in the interim.
The Association shall hold at least four regular meetings annually, at least two in the fall and two in the spring semester. The first meeting shall be held in late September.
Special meetings of the Association may be called by the President or the Executive Committee or by at least ten members submitting a written petition to the President. The notice for the special meeting must express the purpose of the meeting and be distributed to the membership fourteen days before the meeting.
Meetings of the Association shall be called by the President during the summer only when business requiring action arises during that period (June, July, and August) and when a delay to the first fall meeting would not be in the best interest of the Association.
Ten members of the Association shall constitute a quorum for conducting business on the agenda of called meetings.
With the exception of the Nominating Committee which is elected (See section V, paragraph A), the President shall appoint such standing and ad hoc committees as are deemed necessary for the accomplishment of the objectives of the Association.
The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
One standing committee shall be the Scholarship Committee.
Members are asked to pay annual dues for each academic year. Dues will be used to cover expenses for meetings and other expenses authorized by the Executive Committee. No change in the annual dues can be made without the approval of the membership.
The treasurer shall submit an annual report for approval by the Executive Committee.
The Faculty Emeriti Association Endowment Fund, administered by the Old Dominion University Educational Foundation, is used to fund scholarships on the recommendation of the Scholarship Committee.
The Chair of the Scholarship Committee shall provide the Educational Foundation with the name and address of the Chair and President to whom the Foundation should send their reports on the fund balance.
These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Association by a two-thirds vote, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous meeting and provided that the amendment has been circulated in the notice of the meeting during which it is to be considered.
- The current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the conduct of meetings of this Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order which the Association shall adopt.
- The Association shall adhere to the Board of Visitors Policy and Procedures on the Use of the Name of Old Dominion University and Authority for Making Commitments for Old Dominion University, as specified in the Old Dominion University Faculty Handbook.
This scholarship fund awards annual scholarships for children of current full-time faculty. Selection is based on certain criteria including prior academic achievement and academic promise.
Updated July 10, 2016
The Faculty Emeriti Association Scholarship Fund was initiated in 1993 with a bequest from Lee Klinefelter, a faculty member in the Technical Institute at ODU, from his residual estate to the Faculty Emeriti Fund. The bequest contained no specific designation for the use of the money bequeathed to the Faculty Emeriti Association (FEA).
Subsequent to the receipt of the bequest, the FEA convened an ad hoc committee, which recommended that the bequest be used to create the Faculty Emeriti Association Endowed Scholarship Fund. This Fund would award annual scholarships for children of current full-time faculty. Scholarships would be based on certain criteria including the prior record of academic achievement as well as academic promise. The scholarships would be administered by the Old Dominion University Office of Financial Aid. After approval by the FEA membership, the FEA Scholarship Committee was created to oversee the selection of recipients.
Over the years the FEA has approved modifications to the original Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) -- the Old Dominion University Educational Foundation document that details the parameters of the fund. Changes have mainly affected the criteria for awarding scholarships. However, in academic year 2014/2015, the FEA approved a change in the name of the scholarships to the "Faculty Emeriti Association Klinefelter/Phillips Scholarship," to recognize the generous bequests by Emeriti Faculty Lee Klinefelter and Margaret Phillips. The revised MOU, signed in January 2015, remains in current use.
The basic parameters of the scholarships are:
Students do not apply for scholarships.
All students who meet the requirement standards of the current MOU are presented annually, at the end of the academic year, to the FEA Scholarship Committee by the Old Dominion University Scholarship Coordinator, to be considered for selection for the subsequent academic year.
The annual spendable income of the FEA Endowed Scholarship Fund provides the funds for the scholarships and is divided equally among the awardees.
Faculty Emeriti Association Book Discussion Calendar
Updated information forthcoming, for more information on the current FEA Book Discussion calendar, contact Larry Wilson at wilson@cs.abadiadetortoreos.com
FEA Book Club Schedule
Meetings from 9:30 to 11 AM, Second Tuesday each month
Date | Book | Location |
1/10/2023 |
The Day We Found the Universe by Marcia Bartusiak - Reviewed by Bob Ake |
Zoom |
We attend a play instead of meeting in February. |
3/14/2023 |
This Changes Everything: Capitalism Versus Climate by Naomi Klein - Reviewed by William Judge |
Zoom |
4/11/2023 |
The Netanyahus: An Account of a Minor and Ultimately Even Negligible Episode in the History of a Very Famous Family by Joshua Cohen - Reviewed by Ann Schwarz-Miller |
5/9/2023 |
Four Lost Cities by Annalee Newitz - Reviewed by Mike Overstreet |
Zoom |
6/13/2023 |
A Constellation of Vital Phenomena: A Novel by Anthony Marra - Reviewed by Phil Gillette |
Zoom |
7/11/2023 |
Zoom |
8/8/2023 |
The Coroner's Lunch by Colin Cotterill - Reviewed by Janet Bing |
Zoom |
The name of this organization shall be the Old Dominion University Faculty Emeriti Association.
The purpose of the Association is to bring together the institution's Emeriti to maintain collegial, scholarly, and social relations among the Old Dominion University community, and to further the welfare of the University.
All persons designated Emeriti by the Old Dominion University Board of Visitors shall be members of the Association. Action by the Board of Visitors shall be considered final.
The Association may invite guests to participate in meetings as non- voting attendees. Individual members of the Association may invite other members of the university community to participate in meetings as non-voting guests.
Officers and the Executive Committee
Officers shall be President, Vice President (who should be the next President), Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Representative to the Faculty Senate (who shall be a Faculty Emeriti), and two Directors.
Officers are elected by the Association, and they constitute the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee will meet at least once, as soon after the last spring meeting as possible, to plan the following year.
The Executive Committee will discuss new programming ideas, desired changes, and other issues as needed.
The Executive Committee shall have general supervision of affairs of the Association between meetings and make recommendations to the Association.
The Executive Committee shall be subject to the orders of the Association and none of its acts shall conflict with actions taken by the Association.
Terms of Office
Officers shall serve for a term of two years or until their successors are elected. Their terms of office shall begin after the last meeting of academic year in which they are elected.
No member shall hold more than one office at a time. No officer should serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
Duties of Officers
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and shall prepare and distribute to the membership the agenda of coming meetings.
The Vice President shall serve as Program Chair. This officer is responsible for reserving rooms (which must be done in May or early June) as well as planning and arranging programs for meetings and social events. This includes inviting and scheduling speakers. The Vice President shall also perform such other Association duties as the President may designate.
The Recording Secretary shall keep minutes of each meeting and supply the President with a copy before the agenda is developed for the next meeting. The minutes shall be distributed to the membership for approval at the next scheduled meeting.
The Corresponding Secretary shall respond to inquiries made to the Association, send a copy of approved Association minutes to Old Dominion Library Archives, and convey messages of condolence to members and their families. At the direction of the President, the Corresponding Secretary shall convey information and messages to members, Old Dominion University Administration, and others who have business with the Association.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for collecting and accounting for all money received and expenditures made on behalf of the Association.
The Representative to the Faculty Senate shall attend the University Senate meetings to represent the Faculty Emeriti Association and to stay abreast of what is happening at Old Dominion University. The Representative shall solicit Emeriti views about University issues and report them to the Senate. In turn, at each Association meeting, the Representative s h a l l report on issues discussed in the Senate that may interest or concern the Emeriti.
The two Directors shall serve on the Executive Committee and shall, as individuals, be willing to give advice or opinions to the President and serve on special committees as needed.
Except for the Senate Representative and the Directors, the officers shall keep a folder with documents (letters, agendas, minutes, program lists, reports to the membership, etc.) from their years in office and any suggestions they might have for the individuals who replace them. Presidents shall also enclose in their folders a brief summary of the Association's activities during their term of office with any recommendations for the future of the Association. These folders will be passed on to the new set of officers at the final meeting of the year.
At the first regular fall meeting of the Association in odd years, the President will solicit individuals willing to serve on a three member Nominating Committee and will prepare a list of those willing to serve.
At the last fall meeting of the Association, members will elect the nominating committee from the list of individuals and others nominated from the floor. In the makeup of the Nominating Committee, and in their nominations, diversity shall be kept in mind.
The Nominating Committee shall present a slate of officers in time for inclusion with the agenda distributed for the first Spring meeting. Before the election at this meeting, the President shall solicit additional nominations. A secret ballot for any office shall be held at the request of any member present.
In the event that an office, except that of President or Vice President, becomes vacant before the next regular election, the office shall be filled by the Executive Committee. If the office of President becomes vacant, the Vice President shall become President. If the office of Vice President becomes vacant, the President shall call a meeting of the Nominating Committee to nominate one or more candidates for an election at the next regularly scheduled meeting. The Executive Committee at its discretion may ask some member to fill the post of Vice President in the interim.
The Association shall hold at least four regular meetings annually, at least two in the fall and two in the spring semester. The first meeting shall be held in late September.
Special meetings of the Association may be called by the President or the Executive Committee or by at least ten members submitting a written petition to the President. The notice for the special meeting must express the purpose of the meeting and be distributed to the membership fourteen days before the meeting.
Meetings of the Association shall be called by the President during the summer only when business requiring action arises during that period (June, July, and August) and when a delay to the first fall meeting would not be in the best interest of the Association.
Ten members of the Association shall constitute a quorum for conducting business on the agenda of called meetings.
With the exception of the Nominating Committee which is elected (See section V, paragraph A), the President shall appoint such standing and ad hoc committees as are deemed necessary for the accomplishment of the objectives of the Association.
The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
One standing committee shall be the Scholarship Committee.
Members are asked to pay annual dues for each academic year. Dues will be used to cover expenses for meetings and other expenses authorized by the Executive Committee. No change in the annual dues can be made without the approval of the membership.
The treasurer shall submit an annual report for approval by the Executive Committee.
The Faculty Emeriti Association Endowment Fund, administered by the Old Dominion University Educational Foundation, is used to fund scholarships on the recommendation of the Scholarship Committee.
The Chair of the Scholarship Committee shall provide the Educational Foundation with the name and address of the Chair and President to whom the Foundation should send their reports on the fund balance.
These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Association by a two-thirds vote, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous meeting and provided that the amendment has been circulated in the notice of the meeting during which it is to be considered.
- The current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the conduct of meetings of this Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order which the Association shall adopt.
- The Association shall adhere to the Board of Visitors Policy and Procedures on the Use of the Name of Old Dominion University and Authority for Making Commitments for Old Dominion University, as specified in the Old Dominion University Faculty Handbook.
This scholarship fund awards annual scholarships for children of current full-time faculty. Selection is based on certain criteria including prior academic achievement and academic promise.
Updated July 10, 2016
The Faculty Emeriti Association Scholarship Fund was initiated in 1993 with a bequest from Lee Klinefelter, a faculty member in the Technical Institute at ODU, from his residual estate to the Faculty Emeriti Fund. The bequest contained no specific designation for the use of the money bequeathed to the Faculty Emeriti Association (FEA).
Subsequent to the receipt of the bequest, the FEA convened an ad hoc committee, which recommended that the bequest be used to create the Faculty Emeriti Association Endowed Scholarship Fund. This Fund would award annual scholarships for children of current full-time faculty. Scholarships would be based on certain criteria including the prior record of academic achievement as well as academic promise. The scholarships would be administered by the Old Dominion University Office of Financial Aid. After approval by the FEA membership, the FEA Scholarship Committee was created to oversee the selection of recipients.
Over the years the FEA has approved modifications to the original Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) -- the Old Dominion University Educational Foundation document that details the parameters of the fund. Changes have mainly affected the criteria for awarding scholarships. However, in academic year 2014/2015, the FEA approved a change in the name of the scholarships to the "Faculty Emeriti Association Klinefelter/Phillips Scholarship," to recognize the generous bequests by Emeriti Faculty Lee Klinefelter and Margaret Phillips. The revised MOU, signed in January 2015, remains in current use.
The basic parameters of the scholarships are:
Students do not apply for scholarships.
All students who meet the requirement standards of the current MOU are presented annually, at the end of the academic year, to the FEA Scholarship Committee by the Old Dominion University Scholarship Coordinator, to be considered for selection for the subsequent academic year.
The annual spendable income of the FEA Endowed Scholarship Fund provides the funds for the scholarships and is divided equally among the awardees.